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Tomball Texas Prophetic Word

Writer's picture: Joshua MillsJoshua Mills

Released by Joshua Mills / January 13th, 2023

And the Lord would say: “There’s a greater glory that I’m releasing in this day.

There’s a greater outpouring that I’m pouring upon My people. Oh yes, this is the day for

greater glory. This is the day to see the greater things, oh yes, the day you’ve been longing for, the day you’ve prophesied about, the day you’ve been reading about and saying, ‘It will come in time.’ This is the time, and this is the hour. This is the moment for glory and power.

“Oh, yes, you shall begin to rise up in a greater power than ever before, and you

shall begin to flow in a greater glory than ever before. Oh, yes, for the needs are greater,

but I am greater. The needs are greater, but I am greater,” says the Lord. “And I am releasing My greater glory upon My greater Body.

“Oh yes! Do not disqualify those about whom you would say, ‘They’re not as spiritual

as me,’ or ‘They’ve not spent time in the Spirit like me.’ Oh, no! Begin to embrace your

brother. Begin to embrace your sister. For that which I am doing in this day will require

a people of the cloud, a greater Body coming together, a greater unifying glory than ever

before. Oh, yes, I’m looking for My Church to be walking together united. I’m not looking

for a people divided, but I’m looking for a people who are united in My Spirit, a people

who will go forth in My power and a people who will begin to manifest My greater glory,”

says, the Lord.

“And in the days to come, when things begin to look dark, remember that I am the

Light on the inside of you. Know that I am the Light, and I will shine through. Know that I

will empower you with My miraculous abilities. The same things that you’ve read about in biblical history shall begin to take place within your own life and even greater than what has been written. You shall begin to see and begin to write down and document the things that you begin to discover, and the ways that I begin to move. For this will become a great encouragement to many. It will open up a portal in the realm of My Spirit for greater power to flow, for greater miracles to flow. Oh, and yes, there shall be signs and wonders at unprecedented levels. There shall be greater signs than the earth has ever seen before, and there shall be greater wonders than the skies have ever known before. There shall be a moving of power within My people to do exploits in these days.

“Transportations in the Spirit will become your norm. Transportations in the Spirit

are a door that I am opening for you in My Spirit. Just step on in, let go, and let Me move.

Let go and let Me carry you. Let go and let Me take you to the places I have prepared for

you,” says the Lord.

“Do not be discouraged when you find yourself restricted in the natural, for in the realm of the divine supernatural, there’s a moving that the world does not know about. There’s a realm of access that has not been written about in times past. But you shall begin to write. You shall begin to reveal the movings and the methods of My Spirit, the way that I catch up My people in a moment and carry them to the place of My leading.

“Oh yes! Do not worry about your ministry or your ministry ability. For it shall be My Spirit within you, enabling you and empowering you. It shall be My Spirit within you, giving you the Source of strength and the Source of life that you need. And you shall see healing power magnified in and through your being at a greater level than ever before. You shall begin to see creative miracles as you’ve never known before. Oh yes, for you will need them in the days ahead. And it’s only by My Spirit that you will be able to continue to walk and excel and accelerate within that which I have called you to do.

“The days of old religion, the days of dry religion, are over, but the days of My

power are only just beginning. Now, you’ve only just begun to see the beginnings of that

which I long to do in the earth. Give yourself to My Spirit. Yield yourself to My glory, and

allow me to do what only I can do.

“Do not worry about your finances and your financial condition, but keep your eyes

fixed upon Me, knowing that I am the Great Provider. I am the Great Provider when the

banking system works, and I am the Great Provider when the banking system is broken. I am the Great Provider. Press into Me, lean into Me, yield to My Spirit, and watch and see what I shall reveal through My glory,” says the Lord.




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