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The Glory Light Of Jesus

Writer's picture: Joshua MillsJoshua Mills
Supernatural Appearances of Christ

Supernatural Appearances of Christ

For God Who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as [to beam forth] the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God [as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed] in the face of Jesus Christ (the Messiah). 

– 2 Corinthians 4:6, AMPC

There's a stirring in the spiritual realm. Can you feel it? We're on the edge of something new, something so fresh that it's hard to even describe. This new season requires us to leave some things behind, to shed the old and embrace the unknown. It's a time to be bold and courageous, to receive an impartation from God's glory that will propel us into uncharted territories.

As we step into this new season, we're reminded of the power of praise. Our worship has the ability to change atmospheres, to usher in miracles, and to shift the spiritual climate around us. It's in these moments of praise that we push beyond our natural limitations and tap into the supernatural realm of God's power and authority.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 17 about a profound encounter with the glory of Jesus. Peter, James, and John were led up a high mountain where they witnessed Jesus transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as light. This manifestation of glory was so intense that the disciples fell on their faces in awe and fear.

This account serves as a powerful reminder that encounters with God's glory are not just stories from ancient times, but experiences available to us today. We're being invited into deeper realms of God's presence, where His glory can transform us from the inside out.

In this new season, God is calling us to be "Light Warriors." Just as a photographer uses light to transform negatives into beautiful positive images, God wants to shine His light through the negatives in our lives to create something beautiful. Every challenge, every setback, every difficult circumstance can become a canvas for God's glory to be displayed.

Remember the promise in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." What the enemy meant for harm, God will turn around for your good. This is the transformative power of living in God's glory.

As we navigate this new season, we're encouraged to focus solely on Jesus. In the transfiguration account, after the disciples lifted their eyes, "they saw no one but Jesus only." This singular focus on Christ is crucial in a world full of distractions. It's about making Jesus the center of our lives, the source of our strength, and the object of our affection.

God is inviting us into a realm of greater habitation of His presence. We're entering days of increased visions, dreams, and tangible encounters where heaven intersects with earth. These are not just fleeting moments but invitations to live continuously in the glory of Jesus.

However, with these increased spiritual experiences comes a call for discernment. Not every revelation or vision is meant to be shared immediately. There's wisdom in holding onto certain things, allowing them to fully develop in God's timing. Treat the things God shows you as precious pearls, not to be cast carelessly.

In this new season, God is rekindling flames that may have dimmed over time. For those who have drifted from their first love, Jesus is jealously calling you back. He doesn't want just a part of you; He desires all of you. It's time for a recommitment, a fresh surrender to the Lordship of Christ in every area of life.

The glory of Jesus brings freedom. Whatever has held you captive – be it sin, shame, fear, or past traumas – the power of Christ's glory is breaking those chains. "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed" (John 8:36). This freedom is not just a spiritual concept but a tangible reality that affects every aspect of our being – spirit, soul, and body.

As we embrace this new season, we're called to live with expectancy. The days ahead are filled with promise – days of divine encounters, miracle moments, and unprecedented moves of God's Spirit. But we must position ourselves to receive. It's not about passively waiting for things to happen; it's about actively pursuing God's presence and partnering with His purposes.

In this pursuit, we're encouraged to welcome the manifestations of God's glory. Whether it's a physical sensation of God's presence, an emotional encounter with His love, or a mental illumination of His truth, each manifestation is an invitation to go deeper with God.

Moreover, this glory isn't just for personal edification. It's a transformative power that equips us to impact the world around us. As we're changed in His presence, we become carriers of His glory, bringing light into dark places and hope into hopeless situations.

Let's not forget the healing power present in the glory of Jesus. In His presence, every disease must bow, every pain must flee. Whether it's physical ailments, emotional wounds, or mental struggles, the glory of Jesus brings complete restoration.

Remember that this new season is not about achieving or striving. It's about yielding to the glory of Jesus, allowing Him to do in and through us what only He can do. It's about living from a place of rest and trust, knowing that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion (Philippians 1:6).

So, glory family, are you ready to step into this new season? Are you willing to leave behind the old and embrace the new? The glory of Jesus is calling. It's time to arise, to shine, and to become all that God has destined you to be. The best is yet to come!



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