(Based on biblical instruction)
By Joshua & Janet Mills
A glass container of approximately ½ gallon capacity
A wooden mixing spoon
The Prayer Power album (digital or the physical album)
6 cups — Extra virgin olive oil (Prophetic: Miracle Purity)
¼ cup — Myrrh extract (Prophetic: Miracle Flow)
2 sticks — Cinnamon sticks (Prophetic: Miracle Prayer)
2 tablespoons – Calamus root (Prophetic: Miracle Healing)
¼ cup – Cassia oil (Prophetic: Miracle Unity)
1. Prepare yourself and your surroundings by gathering together all of the necessary
supplies and ingredients from the list above. You can set them nicely on
a table where you will be mixing the anointing oil. You may also want to set a
tablecloth, placemat, or tray underneath your ingredients (since they are oily).
It is also important to set the spiritual atmosphere before you proceed any
further. One of the ways you might consider doing this is by using the Prayer
Power album by Joshua and Janet Mills. This will provide you with more than
seventy minutes of anointed instrumental music and praying in the Spirit. It
can be downloaded or streamed through all the major digital music platforms.
The physical album can also be ordered by visiting: www.joshuamills.com
2. Begin by dedicating the oil to the Lord’s use. Pour the olive oil into a glass
container that is large enough to hold all the ingredients once they are added
together (preferably a container that also has a lid). The olive oil symbolically
represents purity. Ask the Spirit to purify your heart and intentions as you set
yourself apart to prepare the anointing oil. The anointing oil must never be
prepared with selfish motives or ungodly intentions. This divine recipe is holy
and sacred, based on the instructions that were given to Moses by God Himself.
Take time to prayerfully dedicate the oil base and listen to the Spirit’s response.
3. Add the additional ingredients, element by element, following the list above
from top to bottom. With each ingredient, prayerfully add it to the olive oil base
while concentrating on the prophetic meaning. The list above provides a simplified
prophetic definition that can be easily utilized after reading the detailed
description within The Miracle of the Oil book by Joshua Mills.
4. Once all the ingredients have been added together, use the wooden mixing
spoon to stir all the elements while also praying in the Spirit. As you pray, using
your heavenly language, the Spirit may begin revealing fresh revelation to you.
Speak it out, praying specifically over the oil.
5. Remember that this oil can be used to anoint objects that are set apart for the
Lord’s purposes (your home, car, musical instruments, finances, etc.) as well as
for anointing people. You may choose to anoint someone with this oil for healing,
impartation, deliverance, salvation, miracles, etc. Because you’ve dedicated this
anointing oil to the Lord, be sure to only use it as He leads.
Recommended Resources
by Joshua Mills, ISBN 978-1-64123-918-9 (Hardback, 128 pages)
by Joshua & Janet Mills (CD or digital download)