As summer fades into autumn, we find ourselves on the cusp of a new season—not just in nature, but in the spiritual realm as well. This transition brings with it a fresh wave of faith, healing, and divine appointments that are set to transform lives and usher in a new era of God's glory.
September heralds the month of healing, a time when we're called to focus our hearts and minds on the restorative power of God. Just as we believe in Jesus as our Savior, we're reminded to embrace Him as our Healer. The steps to receiving healing mirror those of salvation: hear the Word, believe it in your heart, and act on it through confessing with your mouth. It's a simple yet profound process that opens the door to miraculous transformation.
However, it's crucial to understand that healing, like salvation, doesn't always come with immediate, tangible sensations. Sometimes, the work begins internally, invisible to the naked eye but powerful in its impact. We're encouraged to stand firm in faith, knowing that God's word never returns void. Whether we feel it or not doesn’t determine whether we’ve received it or not. Healing is the children’s bread – it belongs to us as sons and daughters of God.
As we step into this season of healing, we're also entering a time of promise fulfillment. Long-held dreams and visions are beginning to manifest, and there's a palpable sense of shifting gears into something new and extraordinary. It's a "now" moment, where the seeds of faith planted in past seasons are starting to bear fruit. Can you feel the glory realm surrounding you and encompassing you with God’s abundant blessings?
This isn't just about personal blessings. There's a call to rise as vessels of God's glory, to be physical portals through which heaven touches earth. Every day presents divine appointments—opportunities to release God's presence into our workplaces, neighborhoods, and even divine encounters on public transportation.
One poignant story illustrates this beautifully. Just last weekend, a planned family outing to a miniature village attraction was derailed by an unexpected fire. Yet, what seemed like a ruined day became a divine appointment on a crowded train into the city, where a grieving woman found comfort as I sat beside her in the only available seat, and I was able to deeply minister healing to her wounded soul through the words that the Spirit gave me to speak over her life. This serves as a powerful reminder that our steps are ordered by the Lord, and sometimes, the interruptions in our plans are actually God's interventions.
Each morning, we can pray, "Lord, prepare me for today and keep me open to flow with Your Spirit. Send me to the ones I need and the ones who need me. Allow something of my life today to be of eternal significance."
This perspective shift transforms our daily routines into kingdom missions. We're not just living for ourselves but for the glory of God, bringing Jesus tangibly to the earth for those around us. It's about being part of a remnant body arising in the nations, releasing healing power, and creating a unity that transcends borders.
In this new season, many are experiencing fresh encounters with God's presence. There's an acceleration of ascension into higher glory realms, accompanied by new visions and divine connections. God is surrounding His people with others who have a genuine hunger for His presence—not just for religious experiences, but for God Himself.
For those facing long-standing challenges, there's a word of encouragement. Whatever the enemy has tried to place upon you—be it sickness, curses, or any other affliction—it was obliterated at the cross. We're called to come into agreement with heaven's perspective, declaring, "Enemy assignments can no longer hinder me. Word curses don't stop me because Jesus has the final word, and He said, "It is finished."
As we embrace this new season, many will find that nothing looks the same. It's a time of total transformation, where long-awaited promises are coming to fruition, and unexpected blessings are unfolding. We're encouraged to soak in the glory, letting it renew our minds and usher us into new realms of possibility.
As we close this reflection, let's remember that we serve the God of the possible, who takes every impossible situation and turns it into possibility. He continues to break in, break through, and break out in our lives and in the world around us.
Let's step into this new season with anticipation, faith, and a readiness to be used by God in extraordinary ways. May we be carriers of His light, releasers of His power, and vessels of glory through which His divine healing flows to a world in need. As we do, we'll find ourselves walking in realms of blessing, favor, and increase, not just for our own benefit, but for the advancement of God's kingdom on earth.
Your Miracle Worker Partners,
Joshua & Janet Mills