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Heavenly Tongues | Joshua Mills

"I have had the unique experience of being both pastor and friend to Joshua Mills and his family since before the launch of their ministry. I am well-acquainted with the authenticity of the vehicle that God has chosen to bring this revelation through. The purpose of Joshua's ministry is to equip the church with a working knowledge of all that has been provided in Christ Jesus... Joshua is well-suited to be entrusted with this timely mandate."
- Rev. D. Karl Thomas // Senior Pastor, Impact Church, London, Canada
"In every generation, there is a company of people who have experienced God in brand new ways... Joshua Mills is one of the more highly respected members of that anointed company. He has unusual favor on his life, as well as incredible insight into the purposes and nature of God."
- Bill Johnson // Senior Leader, Bethel Church, Redding, CA
"I so value Joshua, a man of great integrity and love. He has such a great heart to enlarge the spiritual eyes and understanding of this generation."
- Barbara Yoder // Lead Apostle & Author
Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center, Ann Arbor, MI
"We have great love and admiration for Joshua Mills. His pursuit and passion for the depths of God bring us great joy... Joshua has a personal history of walking in congruency with the angelic realm, and therefore is equipped to share this glorious reality of heaven with you from the Bible and his own personal encounters."
- Drs. Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda // Senior Pastors, All Nations Church, Charlotte, NC
"Joshua Mills is an authentic man of God who walks in impeccable purity and integrity in both doctrine and practice. He is also a seasoned minister in the glory and the supernatural. Any time I have the opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus through Joshua's ministry, I do. I am absolutely confident that you will not only receive vital understanding of the supernatural through this God-appointed ministry, but you will also receive impartation to live in the simplicity of it. I fully endorse the reliable, God-honoring ministry of Joshua Mills."
- Patricia King // XP Media & XP Ministries, Maricopa, AZ
"Joshua Mills is a living sign and wonder. He brings heaven to earth."
- Sid Roth // Television Host & Evangelist // It's Supernatural, Charlotte, NC
"We are blessed to have Joshua Mills as a personal friend. During our many years of relationship, fellowship, and ministering together, we can say that he is a man of integrity. All of the astounding miracles you have heard about in Joshua's life and ministry are true. His ministry is based solidly on the Word of God."
- Dr. A.L. & Joyce Gill // Evangelists & Best-selling Authors // Gill Ministries, Big Bear Lake, CA
"Joshua Mills is clearly one of the most prolific mouthpieces and vessels that God is using in this hour to usher in His glory like never before."
- Brian Guerin // Bridal Glory International, Atlanta, GA
"Joshua Mills is making a powerful impact in Christianity. When he prays, answers come. The response at The Wisdom Center was amazing and people continue to talk about his unique anointing that unlocks such tremendous faith... He is truly a gift from the Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ. I highly commend his life, his ministry, and his writings."
- Dr. Mike Murdock // The Wisdom Center, Fort Worth, TX
"What I value most about Joshua Mills' ministry is not just the extraordinary signs, wonders, and miracles that flow through his yielded life to God. It's not just the gifts of the Spirit that he operates in. I value the word he brings forth. It is always Jesus glorifying, full of faith and vision, and lifts people higher into the flow of God's life, presence and power."
- Matt Sorger // Conference Speaker & Author // Matt Sorger Ministries, Seldon, NY
"Dr. Robin and I are very thrilled to see what the Lord has done and is doing through the ministry of Joshua Mills. We are glad to have had an opportunity to minister into his life so many years ago, and also watch the acceleration of God's performance of His prophetic word take place."
- Drs. Christian & Robin Harfouche// International Evangelists // Christian Harfouche Ministries, Pensacola, FL
"Joshua Mills has paid a price in the presence of Jesus that is both inviting and provoking. His value for worship in the secret place is a treasure. His life and writings articulate truths that few others have tasted. I celebrate Joshua's life and ministry, and I honor his relentless focus on the glory of God, which is found in the face of Jesus."
- Michael Koulianos // Founder & Leader, Jesus Image, Lake Mary, FL
"In every generation new voices are raised up that bring forth age-old truths in relevant and fresh packages. The key to impact with these next-generation vessels is to be Jesus centered, biblically grounded, relationally accountable and to operate with a now word. Joshua and Janet Mills are two of the shining lights for whom the Word is their very life and whose life is supernaturally anointed."
- James W. Goll // Encounters Network, Franklin, TN
"Joshua Mills' ministry is so rich, manifesting the power of God's love for people. His life is full of spiritual fruit, and he moves in the realms of God's glory. Signs and wonders follow as He ministers."
- Dr. Mary K. Baxter // Best-selling Author, A Divine Revelation of Hell & A Divine Revelation of Heaven, Cocoa Beach, FL
"Joshua Mills is an atmosphere changer! He has his spiritual thermostat on the red-hot Glory setting and he obviously has decided to agree with God to live the life of a worshiping miracle worker."
- Dr. Clarice Fluitt // Keynote Conference Speaker // Clarice Fluitt Ministries, Monroe, LA
"The ministry of Joshua Mills is so unique and purposeful in that it takes you to a place in the presence of God where your faith will be stirred and increased to believe the impossible and you will experience the impossible."
- LaRue Howard // Dove-Award Winning Recording Artist // LaRue Ministries, Orlando, FL
"I have ministered with Joshua for many years. I can tell you from firsthand experience, both in ministry and in private, that he walks in the true glory of God, with signs following."
- David Herzog // Itinerant Evangelist, The Glory Zone, Scottsdale, AZ